Sunday 24 November 2013

Questionnaire Anaylsis

After interviewing, Claudia and I decided that since we had successfully chose our target audience, we would investigate further into what the market would want. We asked a series of questions, open and closed, which included:

Gender? We already knew what age group we were targeting the film opening towards so we decided to ask the gender of the responder so we could conclude whether being male or female influenced the answers more.

What is your favourite sub-genre of thriller? (Including examples to help the responder establish what type of movie fits into what category.) We asked this question so we could take inspiration from some of the films' aspects and research further into this sub-genre.

What's your favourite type of aspects in a thriller movie? Claudia and I thought that this was an important question because we would consider including the most popular aspect in our film opening.

What attracts you to watching a thriller film? Again, we thought that this question would be an aspect of the film opening that would need to be included because the features will need to attract the target market to meet their requirements to make it successful.

What is the most important element in a thriller film? The options for this question were part of mise-en-scene, which is the look of what is on the screen. We want to make an enjoyable watching experience so all these options need to have lots of thought put into them. However, CLaudia and I could specialise on one of the elements to make it stand out to the audience.

How much of a plot should be revealed in the opening sequence of a film? This was a critical question for our film opening. It not only depends on how long the opening scene will be, but also the amount of characters and storyline we need to include.

What features do you like about thriller films? This open question would get us individual opinions about what different social groups of people enjoy.

What's your favourite thriller movie? Why? Like with the interviews, we thought this was a good question to ask because we could relate aspects of the films to previous thriller movies.

Analysis of answers:

(This analysis is based on the answers given from the questionnaire to the right.)

1) 'Female' Being a girl has some obvious effect on the answers, especially question 2.

2)'Rom-com' Unfortunately, romantic comedy isn't a sub-genre of thriller and we can't involve much comedy or positive representations of love to make it a thriller and fulfil the aims of being mysterious and cryptic. However, a romantic side is part of the focus for our film as it is based on a girl's admirer. However, it is a implication of negative ideas on love. Romantic comedies are normally aimed at girls, hence the female relation, but we have included a girl character as the main part for the audience to like and support.

3) 'Confusion' This aspect will be included in our film opening  because the mystery of how the girl got from being alive to in a dead state is not revealed in the opening, leaving the audience confused about how she got there.

4) 'Advertisement' This attraction to the film isn't a big involvement in the task we are allocated. However, if we were making this film on a large scale, how we advertised the product would involve our choice of camera shots, costume, setting and mainly our plot in a trailer or posters.

5) 'Editing' The aspects of editing will be carefully considered, including depth of field, transitions and credits. However, with our knowledge, budget and software, our skills on special effects may be limited.

6) 'Very little' Claudia and I have decided to reveal hardly any of the story line to keep the audience anticipated and wanting to watch the rest of the film to find out what happens. The opening scene features flashback so the audience is left wondering what their significance is.

7) 'Fast pace' Our film will ensure fast pace, as the music, and camera shots will imply this. Also the plot involved a 'run and catch' chasing scene which will keep the atmosphere tense and gripping.

8) 'Bourne Identity' Aspects of the Bourne Identity can be adapted into our film. The first scene with the fisherman uncovering the body features creepy music and dark lighting which we will include.

(The next set of questions being analysed are shown on the left. For questions 5&6, please look at the analysis for the previous set of questions)

1) 'Male' Again, this response influences the answers to the other questions as male traits have the same general response.

2) 'Action' Our film opening features a chase scene which hopefully fulfils the requirement of action requested for but we can't display any action too over the top as we don't have the time, budget, space, knowledge or team to create a film solely around the sub-genre of action.

3) 'Hero vs. Villain' We have included a protagonist character, the main part who the audience is supporting and a dark mysterious figure playing the villain in the opening scene.

4) 'Challenging storyline' Claudia and I believe our storyline is challenging as there is a lot of mystery to be solved, revealed in the opening scene and leaving the audience left with lots of questions. For example, the character's names, backgrounds and motives are left secret and the scene just sets the atmosphere and plot for the rest of the film.

7) 'I like mind bending storylines with a medium amount of action' This statement works well with the ideas we have for our film, ensuring that the chase scene isn't too much motion in most action films. The storyline is interesting and will keep the audience confused and keen.

8) 'Inception- it provides a ..... storyline with a lot of good action sequences' Again, action won't be the main focus on the sub-genre included in our thriller film but we have the interesting a inquisitive plot that inception adapts.

(The next analysis of the questionnaire is below. Feedback to questions 1-3 are provided above and answers to question 5 & 6 are in the first analysis. There was no response to question 7 so is not included.)

4) 'Title' Claudia and I thought up the name 'A Lover's Obsession' for our title and thought this was interesting and catchy as it is a twisted adaption on a love story and reveals to the audience that the plot is a creepy take on a messed up love story. 'Obsession' implies to the audience that the love has gone too far and has a negative outcome.

8) 'Dark Night Rises' The costume in the Batman film matches the 'superhero' character and is well thought out. The crisis that Batman comes to is well thought out and creates a clear storyline. Claudia and I will ensure that costume and the disruption that the character faces is carefully considered

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