Sunday 3 November 2013

Pfizer- American Health Care Commerical

The boy in the advert is wearing baggy, oversized clothing as well as the cap to show his youth. His clothing also represents his class and that he maybe can't afford clothing that fits properly.

The dark lighting throughout the film suggests that the young boy is in trouble as it conveys a mysterious atmosphere and he is trying to stay hidden so that nobody sees what he is doing. This may be seen as a representation of age and that teenagers are seen as 'trouble makers'.

Setting/ Establishing Shot
The establishing shot it of the setting which is a back alley of an apartment block, which is seen as basic, run down and cheap. This suggests that the class of the boy is low status and that the region is a poor area. The boy is seen going up the set of a grubby staircase which also sets the image of the type of class and region the boy belongs in.

Diegetic Sound
The sound that is already in the shot suggests that the representation of the region is identified as a rough area. This is portrayed by the police sirens that can be heard implying that there is lots of crime and that the boy might be associated with this. Another aspect of the dodgy and dodgy area is that some arguing can be overheard as well and the atmosphere is overall negative.

Non-diegetic Sound
The sound over the top of the advert suggests that the topic is going to be serious but then an urban beat kicks in later on, such as the drums, which represents the age of the advert and how it is a modern production based around youth and links with the urban setting.

Jump Cut
The jump cut editing suggests that the boy wants to be quick with what he is doing and not get caught, which represents his age with the fact that he can move quickly and has the ability to jump around.

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