Wednesday 20 November 2013

Interview Film and Analysis

Claudia and I went out to interview members of our target audience. Because we are young adults, we decided to base our ideas around that age group as we have an idea of what teens are interested in and after research about thriller films, lots of sub-genres are aimed at young adults. The local sixth form was access easy to our market. We prepared a range of questions which we think would influence our film to be more attractive to the age group. The questions, answers and analysis are stated below:

What is your favourite thriller film? Why?- "House at the End of the Street" and "Sinister" because "it keeps you on the edge of your seat" and "the music" Seeing as music was an aspect of one of the favourite films, I thought it would be a good idea to research the music compositions used in these films which can hopefully achieve a 'scary' film which can keep a tense atmosphere to fulfil the aim of a film which keeps the audeince on 'the edge of their seats'.

What things would you like or expect to see in a thriller film?- "Comedy...adventure", "weird music...violence...someone jumping off a building...guns...kidnapping", and a summary of a gripping and scary film. Although the first interviewee requested 'comedy' and 'adventure', our research into thriller films weren't based around comedy. Adventure was featured in some of the movies but compared to the other responses, we have decided to go for a gripping and scary approach, with references to a music and possibly a kidnapping. Again, we didn't think that 'someone jumping off a building' and 'guns' fitted in with our brief because we don't have access to spaces that could occupy stunts, or the software to create professional special effects.

What is the most important feature of thriller film?- "To make it exciting", "...mystery, plot twist... a character that makes me want to like him", "setting... because it needs to be in a good believable place", "storyline...something that you can get really hooked on" and "music...makes you scared" We think it is important to consider all of these responses because this is what the audience ultimately wants to see. We discussed the setting in particular so that we could create a believable space to link in with our ideas. For this reason, we have chose to film in a family household which has access to different lighting settings and equipment to make a realistic setting. The house has surrounding areas that could be used for filming and separate research will need to be done for this. The mystery and plot twist will be included in our storyboard explicitly explaining our idea. The music will support the idea to make it 'exciting'. One of the interviewees requested the idea of a protagonist so we have chose to base our film mainly around one character.

Who do you think is the main target audience of thriller thriller films?- "Teenagers...people our age" and "young adults". These answers are reassuring responses because our ideas can therefore relate with the audience.

So would you like to see actors your own age star in the film?- "Yes...because we can see where they're coming from", "Yeah but if it was relatable to a British thriller" Again, these answers mean that it will be easy to access cast and crew our own age and get feedback from the young market. Although young people won't have as much experience about starring in a film opening, it will help them gain knowledge, as well as our film meeting demands of the interviewees. The response about British thriller means that we will make as many aspects of the film as relatable to the region as possible, including cast, crew, setting and maybe the film production company.

What do you think is a good setting for a thriller film?- "In a house because it's personal to people so you get more scared because its more real life" and "in the woods...where its dark". Both these comments link in with previous responses to questions. We chose a house as a good believable setting which can also seem personal to the protagonist requested. Although access to a wooded area is far away from the filming location of the house, the 'dark' setting can contribute to the film and we can use the outside surroundings to make it more realistic and varied.

What do you think of the name 'A Lover's Obsession'?- "Sounds good, I would want to watch that" and "Pretty cool" These positive responses to the names that we have thought up, support going ahead with specific ideas that link with the title for our film opening.

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