Monday 25 November 2013

Costume/ Hair and Make up

Costume isn't very extravagant in our film opening but will need a lot of consideration. Because our plot is in the present time and in a general family setting, the costume will just be 'everyday'. We have chosen pyjamas, a dressing gown and slippers because we are filming at night, so want to make the costume realistic for the conditions. Also, these types of garments are simple and basic so are easily recognisable and memorable, making it easier for the audience to distinguish characters throughout the flashbacks. The dressing gown will need pockets to keep the phone in. We also need a necklace for the girl to fiddle with when she is nervous and feature in a flashback.

Hair and Make up

The images around show the type of effect that Claudia and I want our character to have in her dead state. Cuts, bruises and scarring will create an abused look and that she is in a poor weak position. We think having a make up artist will help achieve this look and make the film opening seem more realistic and illustrate our ideas further.

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