Thursday 12 December 2013



Claudia and I wanted to find some music to put into our film that wasn’t copyright. This was because it would be expensive to use a copyright product if we weren’t able to get consent from the music production company to use it on our film for no fee. This would also mean having to explore the contact information would may be hard to find and having to wait for a reply which we may never have got in the time limit that we had.

If we were producing the film on a large scale, then this would obviously be a factor we would consider.

We researched into finding music on YouTube and came across a track that didn’t require copyright. Lots of people were commenting, explaining their interest and the user was happy to let others use it. We downloaded the track and have used it over our film, adjusting it to fit into the scenes. The music starts off with an eerie piano tune being repeated, with the volume being deliberately lowered when the character is speaking. When the door slams shut, the scenes get more fast-paced so we cut the music so that the lower tune at a quicker and scarier pace was playing.

To keep the creepy atmosphere sustained throughout the film, we cut out the part of the track with major chords that have a lighter happier tune.  

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