Wednesday 8 January 2014

'A Lover's Obsession's' Plot

'A Lover's Obsession' is the story about a young teenage girl who is coming home from being out. After taking off her coat, bag and shoes, she goes upstairs to get ready for bed. She receives a mysterious phone call from an unknown number and it is clear that there have been previous phone call incidents as she isn't happy with the other speaker. She goes downstairs but as she passes the front door, she thinks she has seen a light go on outside. Checking she hasn't been mistaken, she opens the door to investigate. After calling out to see if anyone is around, she notices a bunch of flowers on the driveway. A secret message on the attached note, startles the girl, but as she is reading, the front door slams shut behind her. Panic rises through the girl and she runs to the door, slamming on the glass and shouting. A figure strolls up to the glass as the girl tries fiddling with the door handle, and she only notices the figure when its face is pressed up to the window panel. She runs away, calling for help and turns down a road into an alleyway, where something unknown makes her let out a piercing scream.
As the film opening goes on, there are black and white clips of a body in a dead state, with the objects used in the other shots e.g. phone, note, necklace. These are meant to represent how each shot of the active girl is a flashback of the dead state. Finally, a shot of the girl's face appears and her eyes suddenly open as she lets out a deep breathe and the title appears over the screen.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Main Movie Comparison (Scream)

Scream Comparison


Using our shooting schedule, we planned a date to film and below are photos of our practical filming.

Above, are photos of the first shots of the film. We used a range of lighting on the character, camera and scene.

 We used an extension cable in order to access lighting from outside and achieve a good quality in our shots.
 Again, a range of outside and portable lighting was used in this shot and we altered the tripod in order to get a level shot.
Here is a photo of a prop we used in our filming and it's bright lighting in the dark set.


Taking into consideration what our target market requested about setting, Claudia and I are using my family home (shown in the photos below) as our thriller setting. The house enables space to film as well as equipment and facilities for filming, such as household equipment to use as props, e.g. knife and extension leads, plugs for charging filming equipment and accessible lighting. Not only is the setting practical, but it aesthetically meets the demand on the market, it is a believable and relatable, fitting in with our plot. Down the road from the house, is a alleyway, a perfect setting for our climax scene. This area needs portable lighting and freehand camera work in order to get the right frame shots.